Reach Far Relief:
Helping Development Innovations Succeed

Areas of Support

Humanitarian Response

Humanitarian Response continues to suffer from inadequate funding. Innovations in humanitarian responses can ensure that funding can go further, supporting more clients under dire circumstances. RFR has worked to supported organizations in Darfur to provide better IMCI in refugee camps, to facilitating the national Somalia vaccination platform for COVID, to supporting women led Syrian ICT4d companies build capacity to enter the international development market when reestablishing in Turkey. RFR is proud to provide pro-bono in-kind services for scaling out humanitarian innovations on request.

Agriculture Innovation

Substantial innovation in how our food systems are deployed is necessary in order to achieve global food security in our lifetime. From deploying one of the first SMS based market price information systems in Colombia, to providing agriculture extension data trainings in Papua New Guinea RFR has been at the forefront of food system innovation. RFR has experience in non-traditional RUTFs, nutritional programming and data systems, and machine learning for production and financial liquidity in low data environments.


Reach Far Relief has a long history of scaling ICT4d and mHealth innovations throughout low resource countries. RFR designs national scale programming, working with every part of the health pyramid from last mile community health workers to data integrations and analytics. RFR has successfully designed USAID backed, national scale ICT4d programming in over a dozen countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. RFR is fluent in all cutting edge softwares such as DHIS2 suite, CommCare, OpenLMIS, Tableau and PowerBI.

An experienced team that can navigate the complexities of international development.

Reach Far Relief is a Washington DC based small business dedicated to helping mainstream innovation in international development. RFR has successfully facilitated several hundred million dollars for digital and hard infrastructure development programs throughout Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. RFR has sourced private investments, US government funding via USAID, and family foundations. RFR interventions have supported major international development programs in over 2 dozen countries, and actively seeks to bridge the most cutting edge research into quantifiable, field level results.